GERHANA SKACINTA Introducing GERHANA SKACINTA, the crown jewel of Malaysia's Ska scene!

Established in 1999, this illustrious ensemble ventured onto the stage in 2002 with their groundbreaking album, [Boss Sounds].
As ardent aficionados of Ska, Rocksteady, and Reggae, they have spent over two decades crafting sonic experiences inspired by the soul of the 1950s.
GERHANA SKACINTA's dedication to authenticity and sheer talent has garnered acclaim from critics and fans alike.
Notably, their 2004 masterpiece, [The New Authentic], received nominations for prestigious awards.
These musical purists hold dear the belief that ‘Music is timeless’, a mantra they've upheld since their debut.
Delve into their vibrant repertoire, including chart-toppers like <Senyuman Ragamu>, <Mimpi>, <Hadirnya Cinta>, <Temanku> and <Ali Baba Ska>. In 2024, prepare for a grand celebration as they mark their 25th anniversary with the imminent release of a new album.